AR navigation and AR postcard service at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2021.

Forum audience:
Representatives of public authorities and business, opinion leaders, prominent cultural and public figures.
Our challenges and solutions:
- AR map of the venue When pointing at a tag on the map, a zone became animated: a video of what was in that area was played on the participant’s smartphone.
- AR tags on Forum partners’ stands Integration of company videos at partner and exhibitor stands (special AR banners, handouts, AR directional signs).
- Video of the arrival at the venue inside the Forum information booklet

- AR billboards At the airport and train stations, there were signs with AR tags leading to videos about arrival at the SPIEF venue, cultural programme events, sanitary and epidemiological regulations and how to get to the EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre.
- Animation of the cars at the reception of the Organising Committee A number of unique vintage cars were exhibited at the reception, and AR direction signs were placed next to them: when someone pointed a smartphone camera at the direction sign, a video about the car’s history would start.

- Postcard service with augmented reality At the SPIEF venue, everyone had the opportunity to record a video message and, with the help of an AR expert, add it to a postcard, which could be sent anywhere in the world absolutely free of charge at the Forum venue. The project was implemented jointly with Russian Post.
- Animated city advertisements The event banners were placed on bus stop lightboxes and on city billboards. When a smartphone’s camera was pointed at the banner, a video about SPIEF was launched.

Features of implementation:
- International format The MARMA app is available in two languages: English and Russian. The language of the app is selected automatically depending on the language of the device to which the app is being downloaded.
- Promptness of work The video for the postcard could only be shot at the event itself. That is why there is always an employed videographer on the project, ready to capture any iconic moment of the event.
- Personalised approach t is always more enjoyable for event guests to receive a product not just with a video about the Forum, but with a video report of their presence at the event. That is why we shoot video directly at the venue and generate an individual QR code for each participant.